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MK3 Revolution

"Time where the rubber meets the road..."

Alright, to help you on your way to find great parts and services for your MK3, we've put together a collaboration of companies who provide products for your Volkswagen.  There a wide variety of companies out providing performance parts and the list keep growing, so sometimes it's hard to track them all.   So, if there's a known major component / company / site that's not shown; please e-mail us so we can all benifit from knowledge. REMEMBER, there is more to come!!!

Hey, we know this list is somewhat limited, so if you know of a good site that isn't shown to add to the list, please let us know. All of us can benifit from what viewers contribute to this site. Remember share the wealth and keep us posted on any new information and products. Thanks!

This site is not affiliated with any of these compaines mention or infered. MK3 Revolution DOES NOT have ownership / profitable advertising relations of these companies, rather just making it known to the people there are perfromance companies and businesses out there.