.) Park the car on a level surface (if possible);
shut off vehicle, pop hood and set the emergency brake. Lift the car using an approved jack, and apply jackstands
on the vehicle's chassis to ensure safety.
2.) Using a 19mm wrench, loosen and remove the oil drain plug from
the oil pan. * Note: if the car has been running for more than 10+ minutes, be careful of hot oil
draining out. * Let the old oil drain into a collection vat, and re-install oil plug.
3.) Using either your hand or a pair of filter pliars, untighten and
remove the dirty oil filter. It's located in front and slightly higher than the oil pan.
4.) Wipe down the oil filter spindle to ensure there's no dirt or
grime when installing the new filter.
5.) Before spinning on the new filter, first lightly lube the
gasket on the filter with new oil. This will create a seemless seal and it'll be easier to remove the next oil
change. * Note: Spin the filter all the way on till it make contact with the spindle. From
there give it about a half turn more to completely seal the gasket in oil to hold the oil pressure created by the oil pump.
6.) Lower the car, and fill the engine with personal choice of oil.
Check owners manual to verify the correct amount of oil that should be poured in.
7.) When oil is in, start car and check for oil pressure.
8.) Once pressure is received, shut off vehicle. Check for any
leak around the filter housing and oil plug. Double check oil level via the oil dipstick; appropriately add more oil
if needed.
9.) Disgard / recycle used oil and clean up; shut hood, and drive
away with new oil.