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MK3 Revolution
TTs - Keyless Entry Programming

"How in the hell do I get my remote to work?"

The OEM keyless entry system is quite handy to have when you're arms are full; however, some owners have run into instances where the remote didn't work because the car was programmed for it.  Here is the small procedure to have your transmitter work the next time.

1.)  Switch ignition to ON.

2.)  Close all doors and rear trunk (if door alarm sensor are deactivated, programming will not occur).

3.)  Using a second key in the driver's door, turn the key UNLOCK position and hold for approximately 10 seconds or untill alarm horn sounds 3 times.

4.)  Press the UNLOCK / DISARM button on the first transmitter (alarm will briefly sound once to confirm programming).

5.)  Press the the UNLOCK / DISARM button on the second transmitter (alarm will briefly sound once to confirm programming).

6.)  Repeat step four for the remaining transmitters up to a maximum of 4 remotes.

7.)  Turn and hold the key in the driver's door to the UNLOCK position for the 10 seconds or untill alarm horn sounds 3 times.

- Average Time:  5 minutes
- Scheduled Maintenance:  when adding / reprogramming new remotes
- Price of Materials:  none
- Written by Bentley Publications
- Edited by Erik Melander